Blurred Lines Read online

Page 18

  “Kennedy told me he’s been acting weird all week, and when she asked him about it he was very evasive.”

  I pursed my lips, and looked at her out of the corner of my eye. “I plead the fifth.”

  Jade’s face lit up with a grin. “Oh My God, he is isn’t he?”

  I shrugged, and Jade started clapping like a five year old. “I knew it!”

  I shook my head, and laughed. “Don’t tell her. He’s nervous as hell already.”

  Jade made a zipping motion over her mouth, and then asked, “When is he doing it?”

  “Tonight at the party,” I replied.

  Both my and Jade’s birthdays had passed, but rather than celebrate with our friends, we spent a quiet evening at home, just the two of us. We weren’t in the mood to celebrate, and opted for something simpler. Unfortunately Grady and Kennedy weren’t having that, and convinced us to have a small get-together at our place with family and friends tonight.

  “I’m so excited,” said Jade. “Kennedy’s going to freak!”

  “That’s if Dane has the balls to go through with it,” I snickered. “Poor guy’s been calling me all week in a tizzy.”

  “He loves her,” Jade stated simply.

  I shifted in my seat, and cleared my throat. “You think they’ll beat us to the alter?”

  Jade twisted in her seat, and eyed me with suspicion. “I hope so,” – I relaxed a little – “If we get married before Daniela is one year old I think our parents would all lose their shit. Together.”

  “So you’re not upset that Kennedy is getting a ring before you are?”

  Jade snorted. “Reid, if you propose to me now I’d kick your ass. Let’s survive the first year of parenthood before we talk about nuptiaaaaaahhhh - ” Jade stopped talking, and clutched her stomach.

  “What’s wrong?” My body tensed.

  “The baby,” – Jade inhaled sharply – “She’s coming.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Jade nodded frantically, and gripped my hand.

  “Dios Mio,” she groaned. I squeezed her hand, and stepped on the gas. “Sit tight, baby. I’ll get you to the hospital.”

  JADE PANTED AND rested her head against the bed.

  “You’re doing great, Jade,” said Dr. Burke. “Just one more push, okay?”

  Jade looked up at me, her face red and sweaty, and so perfect.

  I pressed my forehead against hers, battling the collision of excitement and apprehension in my chest.

  “This is it,” I told her, staring into her tired brown eyes. “You ready to meet our daughter?”

  Jade smiled at me, and nodded as she braced herself. I held her hand in mine, and watched as she gave it her all. We heard the piercing cry of our daughter, and I couldn’t keep my own emotions at bay anymore.

  I kissed Jade’s forehead, burying me free hand in her hair.

  “God, you’re amazing. You did it.”

  “She’s here,” cried Jade. She was exhausted, and in a lot of pain, but she never once gave up. By the time we’d arrived it was too late for Jade to have an epidural, so she had no choice but give natural birth without the help of medication. An hour and fifteen minutes later our daughter was born.

  “You did a great job,” said Dr. Burke. She got Jade cleaned up, and we waited as Nurse Alba – who Jade demanded be present – took care of our baby. “Six pounds, and eight ounces,” said Nurse Alba. “And perfectly healthy.”

  I held my breath as she walked closer, carrying the small pink bundle in her arms. Jade reached out, and cradled our child.

  I looked down at the small face, so much like Jade’s, and mine and felt my eyes grow wet. She had perfect pink, pouty lips, and the cutest button nose, with a head of beautiful dark hair.

  “She’s perfect,” cried Jade, smiling. “God, Reid. Look at her.”

  Just then our baby opened her eyes, and peered up at us, her irises a slate-gray.

  “Hi Daniela Sofia,” whispered Jade. “We’ve been dying to meet you.”

  Daniela yawned, and moved her head around. “You want to meet your daddy?”

  Jade lifted her, and with slightly shaky hands I held my daughter for the first time. My cheeks were wet, but I didn’t care. My daughter was looking at me like she knew me, and I felt my heart expanding with every breath, filling up with an all-consuming love.

  “Hi, baby girl.” Daniela’s eyes widened like she’d recognized my voice. “I’m your daddy, and I love you so much.”

  I SAT NEXT to Jade as she nursed Daniela, stroking her cheek. Our family and friends had finally been ushered out by Nurse Alba, and after some teary introductions, it was clear that everyone was smitten with the newest addition to the group.

  “She’s so small,” murmured Jade. I could tell she was tired, and needed some rest, but she seemed so content just sitting there looking at Daniela.

  “She won’t stay that way for long,” I mused. Jade yawned, and looked a little relieved when Daniela had stopped eating. Jade closed her gown, and slowly started rocking our baby.

  I stood up, and held out my hands. “I’ll get her,” I said. “You’re tired.”

  Jade smiled gratefully, and settled into bed as soon as I took Daniela. I placed her on my shoulder, and after breaking her winds I placed her in the crook of my arm. When I looked at Jade again, her eyes started drifting closed.

  It was only late afternoon, the sun slowly starting to set on the horizon, and it had quite possibly been the longest day of our lives. But also one I would most likely never forget.

  Daniela lifted her little fist to her mouth as I sat down in the rocking chair, and her eyes sought me out when I started talking.

  “Some day, Princess, I’m going to tell you the story of how your mommy and I got together. I’ll tell you how silly daddy was, and how stubborn mommy was, and then I’ll teach you that boys are trouble, and your daddy is the only man you’ll ever need.”

  I heard a snicker, and lifted my head to see Jade watching us. “I thought you were sleeping?”

  “It’s a little hard to do when you’re staring down at our baby like she’s the most precious thing in the world.”

  I dropped my eyes back to Daniela, and slowly started rocking her. “She is,” I replied softly. I kissed her head, and inhaled that sweet baby scent. “And she’ll never go a day without knowing it.”

  After Daniela had fallen asleep, Nurse Alba had taken her to the nursery, leaving Jade and I alone.

  “It feels weird doesn’t it?” asked Jade. She was lying on her side, her arm under her head. “To finally have her here?”

  “Feels like just the other day you told me you were pregnant...” I trailed off.

  “Don’t remind me,” groaned Jade. “That was not a good day for either of us.”

  “Maybe not,” I replied, taking her free hand and clasping it between mine. “But I’d be wrong if I said I regret anything.”

  “We did make quite a mess of things, huh?” mused Jade.

  I shook my head. “No, we just blurred a few lines that shouldn’t have been there in the first place.”

  “Have you always been so sure about us?”

  “I’ve loved you all my life, Jade, even before I knew what it meant. We’ve made some mistakes a long the way, been through some pretty crazy shit, but somehow we ended up right here, and I don’t think I’d want to be anywhere else.”

  “Being a dad has made you soft,” giggled Jade. She lifted her hand, and brushed my jaw. “But I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else either.” She sighed, and then added, “Can we wait at least three more years before you knock me up again?”

  I threw my head back as a throaty laugh echoed through the room. “Yes! I don’t think I’m ready for another one just yet, but I’m definitely looking forward to getting back to practicing.”

  “You’ll have to get rid of the cobwebs first,” replied Jade. “It’s been that long.”

  “You know we have to wait at least another six weeks right?”
  Jade frowned, looking displeased. “I know.”

  I chuckled. “You’re unbelievable.”

  “But you love me anyway.”

  “That I do, Jade Matthews, that I do.”

  Chapter 24


  2 Months Later...

  “I think Kennedy will pop a kid before Reid and I have another one,” I said, looking pointedly at Kennedy. Her brows furrowed as she took a sip of her red wine.

  “I still have to finish school,” she argued half-heartedly. “And I’d like to get married first before Dane and I start talking babies.”

  I hid my smirk, knowing that Dane was going to propose at our little get-together. His plans were postponed the day Daniela was born, but according to Reid it suited him just fine. Poor guy had been nervous all afternoon, but Reid and I assured him he had nothing to worry about. Kennedy was so in love with him there was no chance in hell she would say no, that much I was sure of.

  Reid and Dane were manning the barbeque, talking about whatever guys talked about with our fathers, Chase, and Grady’s boyfriend, Daniel, while the rest of us – Kennedy, Ashley, Reid’s mother, my mother, and Grady – sat on the deck. It was the first time in weeks that we were all together, aside from the few visits everyone had paid after Daniela and I were home from the hospital.

  Speaking of the little Princess, I smiled when I saw she was fast asleep in my mother’s arms while she talked animatedly with Reid’s mother. When it came to spoiling our daughter, her grandmothers were the culprits, although I suspected Reid was guilty of that too.

  “I think Ashley will be next,” said Grady. “The rate you and my brother are going, I’m going to be an uncle before the year is up.”

  Ashley’s cheeks reddened, and she ducked her head with a giggle. “Your brother’s the screamer, not me.”

  Grady rolled his eyes. “I don’t know what made me think I could handle living with you two. I’m starting to think I should shack up with Kennedy and Dane.”

  I snorted. “They’re not any better,” – I winced when Kennedy kicked my shin under the table, - “Maybe you and Daniel can get a place together. You look pretty serious about him.”

  Grady sighed, and looked to where all the guys had gathered. Daniel was dressed in dark jeans, a navy polo, and a cream sweater. He wasn’t what I had envisioned Grady going for, but when I saw them together for the first time, I knew Grady was a goner. I was thrilled for him. After his attack he’d become a little hard to reach, but Daniel persisted, and Grady was so happy it was sickening.

  I saw my mother stand, and I rose to my feet so that I could take Daniela from her.

  “Thanks mamma,” I kissed her cheek.

  “I hate letting her go,” said my mother. “But she’s tired.”

  “I’ll put her in her crib. I’ll be right back.”

  I walked inside, and took Daniela to the nursery. I was tucking her in when two arms wrapped around my waist.

  “There’s my two favorite girls,” murmured Reid.

  “I was just putting our Princess to bed. Too much time with her grandmothers wore her out.”

  Reid chuckled. “It’s a good thing they’re going home later, otherwise we’d never get her back.”

  “Yeah,” I sighed contentedly.

  “Dinner’s ready. Let’s go outside and feed the people so they can leave. I can’t wait to get you alone.”

  I turned around and wrapped my arms around Reid’s neck. “We’ve waited this long,” – I brushed my lips across his and smiled when he groaned, - “I’m sure we can last a few more hours.”

  I sighed inwardly, and felt my blood warm. I’d been given the all clear from Dr. Burke, but had yet to give Reid that little tit-bit. I was having too much fun getting him worked up, only to tell him, “not yet.”

  Not anymore, I thought.

  “You’re killing me,” he whispered. “But for you, I’ll suck it up. Besides, we have to wait for Dane to do his thing.”

  “I’m so excited,” I told him, dropping my arms. “Better not keep him waiting too long, he might just chicken out.”

  Reid took my hand and we joined our guests outside. The conversation flowed, and I couldn’t help but feel the happiness around me, staring at all the people I loved gathered in one place.

  Dane stood up, and cleared his throat. “I’d like to make a toast,” he said. I traded a knowing glance with Reid.

  “To Daniela Sofia,” continued Dane. “And the love of good friends, family, and the person who completes my life.”

  He pushed back his chair, and held out his hand to Kennedy. She looked around, perplexed, and stood to join him. When he dropped to one knee we all gasped, and I squeezed Reid’s hand under the table.

  Dane removed a small black box from his pocket, and Kennedy covered her mouth with her hands.

  He looked up at her, his expression a mixture of nervousness, and pure adoration. “Kennedy Monroe, I love you more and more every day. You make me want to be a better man, and have chosen to love me despite our past. I want to give you everything, and spend the rest of my life being yours. I want to have a family with you, make pancakes on Sunday mornings with you,” – Kennedy giggled through her tear-filled eyes – “and grow old with you. Make me the happiest man on Earth, and marry me. Be my wife.”

  Kennedy’s breath shuddered, and then she fell to her knees with a resounding “yes!”

  We cheered as Dane and Kennedy embraced, and then laughed when Dane fumbled with the ring until it rested on Kennedy’s finger. As soon as they stood up they were swarmed as we all exchanged hugs, and congratulations.

  When I pulled back from Kennedy we were both a little emotional. “I’m so happy for you,” I told her. “You deserve it.”

  “Who would’ve thought,” she sniffled, wiping her cheeks. “I’m marrying my used-to-be enemy, and you’ve just had a baby with your best friend since childhood.”

  “It can’t get any more perfect than that,” I replied, looking back at Reid. He caught me staring, and gave me that lopsided grin that was reserved only for me. In that moment, I realized every decision, and every mistake, even the big ones, had led me to him.

  Chapter 25


  Daddy Really Wants To Practice Making Your Brother...

  I LEANED AGAINST the door leading to the nursery, and watched as Reid walked around trying to get Daniela to sleep. He didn’t understand that hearing his voice only excited her more.

  He was wearing only his cotton drawstring pajama

  bottoms, and left his upper body bare, giving me the most spectacular view of his back.

  “You need to sleep now, Princess,” he told Daniela in a hushed whisper. “It’s been eight weeks and Daddy really wants to practice making your brother.”

  I giggled, and Reid’s head snapped up. His face broke out into a roguish grin, his cheeks reddening slightly as a result of being caught.

  “I don’t think it’s appropriate to tell our daughter such things,” I laughed. I walked over to where he was standing, and smiled when Daniela saw me.

  “It’s not like she understands what I’m saying,” he retorted. He looked back down. “Isn’t that right, baby girl?”

  “Yet,” I mused. “She doesn’t know what it means yet.”

  Reid scowled and I kissed his shoulder. “We’re not having this argument again,” he said. “I’m so not ready to worry about it yet.”

  I sighed, amused by his overprotectiveness and thought back over the last two months. Bringing Daniela home had been intimidating, for both Reid, and myself, but we eventually got the hang of it. Daniela was the sweetest baby – obviously that was her father’s disposition and not mine – and only cried when she was hungry.

  Reid was finishing his final semester at school, but still got up when I had to feed Daniela in the early hours of the morning. He was smitten, as was I, and there was nothing sexier than seeing him dote on his little girl. She was only two months old, but she alre
ady had her daddy wrapped around her little finger and I was proud to say that’s a skill she inherited from me.

  “Sing to her,” I told him quietly. I took hold of Daniela’s small hand, feeling my chest swell when she wrapped her tiny fingers around mine. I lifted my other hand, and brushed her dark hair from her forehead as Reid started humming. It only took five minutes for her eyelids to start fluttering, and by the time Reid reached the chorus, she was fast asleep.

  “How wonderful life is, now you’re in the world,” he finished. He laid her down in the crib, made sure her baby monitor was on in case she woke up, and quietly dragged me out by the edge of the shirt I was wearing. It was one of his button down shirts, and being the strategic thinker that I am, I wore it because it always drove him crazy seeing me in his clothes. That, and I was so ready to have him again, the anticipation was already making me jumpy.

  “Someone’s a little eager,” I mused. He shot me a dark look over his shoulder, and kicked the door shut to our bedroom once we were inside. One look was all it took, and nothing about what happened next was slow.

  Clothes flew, landing haphazardly on the new hardwood floors we’d had put in, and our bodies collided in a frenzy of rushed movements. Our mouths fused just as Reid lifted me up in his arms, and walked us to the bed. He lowered me, and stared, taking note of how my body had changed. He didn’t make me feel self-conscious about my slightly wider hips, or the feint white lines on my stomach. I still had a little baby weight to get rid of, but that didn’t bother him. In fact, judging by the look in his eyes, it made him want me more, and I loved him for that.

  “Are you sure?” He asked, his voice thick with yearning.

  I nodded, and bit my lip to stop myself from yelling, “Just do me already!”

  Reid reached for his bedside drawer, and pulled out a condom. He hated using them, but having another baby right now wasn’t the smartest decision. Daniela’s arrival was a blessing, but no less a shock, and when we finally did decide to expand our family, I wanted us to be ready.