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Blurred Lines Page 11

  The quiet that followed my little speech was deafening, and I found myself holding my breath in anticipation of what Reid would say next. Time passed in slow motion, and I swore I could hear every tick of the clock on the kitchen.

  “Are you done?” He asked, lifting a brow.

  My face fell and I started to worry that I’d said something he didn’t want to hear. Had I misread everything?

  I tried stepping back, but Reid caught my wrist and pulled me into him. He gazed down at me, and I waited, unsure of what to expect.

  “I want to kiss you so bad,” he whispered.

  “Then kiss me. Right now. Like it’s the first time.”

  Reid leaned in until our lips brushed. It was gentle, teasing, and not enough. I brought my arms around his neck, and reached onto the balls of my feet, pressing my mouth harder against his. His hands moved to my waist, caressing the swell of my stomach, and the new roundness of my hips. His tongue traced my bottom lip, and when I opened for him I couldn’t help but sigh. It was so much better than the first time he’d kissed me like this, because for us it felt like a clean slate. We’d never forget how we got here, but we could start over and let go of the fears that had been holding us back all this time.

  Reid groaned, and the rumble in his chest made me shiver.

  “I want you,” he murmured after breaking our kiss.

  “You have me,” I spoke softly.

  His mouth lifted at the side, and his boyish grin made my insides warm with elation. “I’ve waited a lifetime for you, Jade Matthews.”

  “No more waiting,” – I kissed him again, because his lips were right there – “No more games. It’s just you, and me, and our baby girl.”

  “It’s always been that way, you were just too stubborn to see it,” he chuckled. The light in his eyes was a welcomed sight, something I’d missed all these months.

  “But I still love you,” he added, “Even when you drive me crazy, and when you piss me off.”

  “Then we’re even, Mr. Cole, because nobody drives me crazier than you do.”

  “But you still love me.”

  I gave him a shy smile, and cupped his cheek in my hand, brushing my thumb over his bottom lip. “I don’t think I ever stopped.”

  A DELICIOUS SMELL stirred me from my sleep, and when I rolled over, expecting to find Reid, the bed was empty. I took Reid’s black button down shirt from the back of my chair, and inhaled it after slipping it on over my cotton t-shirt.

  I walked into the hallway, and found Reid making breakfast in the kitchen. He was wearing his cotton drawstring pajama bottoms, and a black t-shirt that fit him a little too snuggly. Not that I was complaining. The view was enough to have my blood racing, and I wanted nothing more than have him for breakfast.

  My stomach grumbled, reminding me that I was actually hungry for real food, and it was loud enough to alert Reid to my presence.

  He turned around, and when he saw me leaning against the breakfast counter behind him, he gave that secretive panty-dropping smile that made me weak at the knees. He was such a cliché – beautiful boy with blond hair, green eyes, and smile that made women want to rip off their own underwear – but knowing I didn’t have to share that side of him made me so incredibly happy. Last night was a turning point, and rather than moving around and around in circles, we could finally move forward.

  “I was wondering when you were going to wake up,” he said, turning back to whatever he had on the stove.

  “If it weren’t for the smell of food, I would still be sleeping. I’m starving.”

  Reid moved a pan to the side, and switched the stove off before rounding the counter and stopping in front of me. “Did you get sick this morning?” He asked, his brows drawing in.

  I shook my head. “No, but I haven’t in a while, so I guess the morning sickness is finally over.”

  “Thank God,” he laughed. “I hated seeing you like that and not being able to make it better.”

  I wrapped my arms around his waist, and looked up. “You did make it better though, by being here.”

  “Always,” he murmured before pressing his lips against mine. I let out a shocked scream when he picked me up, and deposited me on the counter with my back to the living room. When he stepped between my legs, I locked my ankles at the base of his back and held him closer. With deft fingers he started unbuttoning his shirt, stopping below mid-chest, and snuck his hand beneath my t-shirt until he found my breast. They were getting bigger, and were more sensitive with each passing week. Reid seemed to be aware of the fact though because his hands were gentle, careful, and yet still very much attune with how crazy he was making me.

  “They’re fuller,” he remarked, tweaking my nipple. “Have I told you how much I love the changes in your body?”

  “I hope you say that when I’m about ready to pop,” I replied between a moan, and a needy sigh. “Please,” I begged, “Keep doing that.”

  I closed my eyes, and focused on the way my body bowed beneath Reid’s hands, like he was masterfully taking control of it.

  My hips started moving then, seeking him out, and rubbing against the very noticeable erection beneath his pajama bottoms.

  I wanted to ask him to stop messing around, and just do me, but I wasn’t exactly sure how to go about it after we’d only just redefined our relationship. I wanted him to take the lead because I needed him for direction more than he realized.

  While one hand continued to massage my over-sensitized breast, I felt his other slide down my side, and into my cotton sleep shorts. They were by no means appropriate for the cold temperatures, but I got hot way too easily, and if it meant Reid could have easy access like he did right then, there was no way he’d get me out of them anytime soon.

  “My girl’s a little horny this morning,” he said. I could hear the smugness in his grin but any comeback was halted when his fingers started moving over my clit.

  “Oh Dios,” I moaned, struggling with the rush of sensation traveling down between my legs. They said pregnant women had an increase in sex drive, and they sure as hell weren’t lying. I was already approaching that highly sought after mind-numbing orgasm, and Reid knew it too.

  “You’re so sexy when you’re flustered,” he told me, his voice thick and husky. I opened my mouth, ready to tell him I needed to come, but the words evaporated when two of his long fingers entered me. I sucked in a shaky breath, and opened my eyes, watching his face while he coaxed my body closer to the edge of oblivion. I lifted my hand, and held on to his neck and when I finally shattered, my nails dug into his soft flesh beneath his hairline. My teeth sunk into my bottom lip, stifling my scream, and my toes curled while I rode out my orgasm. I was panting, and shaking, and Reid simply watched, enamored with what he saw.

  He pulled his fingers out, and the sight of him licking them clean evoked a fresh round of quivers. “That was...” I breathed out, unable to find the right words to describe it.

  “You were...” he replied teasingly. I slowly started to right myself but then stopped.

  That’s when I felt it.

  A flutter in my stomach.

  My eyes widened, and I looked down at my round belly.

  “What is it?” Asked Reid. “Did I hurt you?”

  I shook my head, and gasped when I felt the movement again.


  I looked up, and met Reid’s nervous gaze. “She moved.”

  Reid’s eyes fell between us, and I reached for his hand, placing it on the exact spot I felt our daughter kick.

  C’mon sweet girl, I prodded. Move for daddy.

  My eyes never left his face, and when he felt the slight jolt beneath his hand, his head whipped up in surprise.

  “You feel it?” I whispered.

  He grinned, and lowered his head. He lifted my shirt, exposing my belly, and placed the softest kiss just above my belly button.

  “We can’t wait to meet you baby girl.”

  I smiled, and my heart felt ready to explode.
I wanted more of these moments, moments so pure, and untainted by the bumpy road it took for Reid and me to get here.

  Reid righted himself, and I leaned forward until I could kiss him. When he backed away, I noticed that his pajama bottoms were tented, and couldn’t help but giggle.

  “Can I help you with that?”

  He looked down, hands on his hips, and smirked. “Na, I’ll just have a cold shower.”

  “You sure? I could easily go for round two.”

  That was no lie. Thinking about what Reid would eventually look like holding our baby turned me on, and knowing what he had going on down below only made it worse.

  He stepped closer, and brought his hands to my hips. “I’m tempted, but there’s one thing I want us to do before know.” His cheeks reddened, and there were few things I found sexier than making him blush. He was such a man, and yet couldn’t even talk about us having sex without turning red. Yeah, I wanted to keep him.

  “What’s that?” I asked, hugging his waist.

  “Buy a house?”

  I’m sorry say what now?

  Chapter 14


  Forever Wouldn’t Be Long Enough

  Jade stared up at me, a frown etched onto her beautiful, damp face. For someone who just had an orgasm, she looked pretty pissed.

  “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about it,” I said, carefully judging her reaction. “But I think we should get a house before the baby comes.”

  Jade pushed me away, and started righting her clothes. Our sense of reckless abandon had dissipated, as did the tenderness with which we experienced our daughter’s first movement.

  “I’m going to go ahead and assume that you’ve already started looking for properties,” she replied, jumping from the kitchen counter. I couldn’t argue because she knew me well. When I had my mind set on something I wasted little to no time getting it.

  “I just had my dad get some listings in the area, Jade. It’s not a big deal.”

  She huffed, crossing her arms over her stomach. I was painfully aware of the hard on tenting my pajama bottoms, and even an argument wouldn’t make it magically disappear. In fact, I was most certain that it would only make the ache worse. A turned-on Jade was sexy, but an angry Jade, with those pouty lips and fire-filled eyes? Kryptonite.

  “Not a big deal?” She retorts loudly. “How is planning our future without talking to me first not a big deal?”

  I huffed and realized too late that it was the wrong time to bring it up. “I honestly thought you’d be happier about wanting to live with me, but obviously I misjudged the situation.”

  Hurt and indignation collided in Jade’s brown irises and her arms fell to her sides. “It’s not about that Reid. You’re moving at a hundred miles an hour, and I’m struggling to catch up. We’ve only just managed to get on the same page, with us and this pregnancy, and now you want to change the chapter without talking to me.”

  “It’s not like that,” I told her. “I thought it would be the next step, considering Kennedy and Dane will be moving in together at the end of the semester.”

  From the way Jade’s face fell I could see she was surprised, and not in a good way.


  Kennedy hadn’t told her yet, and I just let the cat out of the bag.

  Great timing, I thought. Talk about being ambushed.

  “She didn’t tell me,” said Jade. “I knew he asked her, but I didn’t know it was decided yet.”

  “I’m sorry, I thought you knew.”

  I stepped closer to her, but she put her hands up. She was locking me out again, and I couldn’t stand it. Just when I thought we’d made progress, something happened to set us back, and this time I was partly to blame.

  “I need to be alone.” Her voice was soft, and forlorn.

  Without another word, she turned and disappeared into her bedroom. Her reaction didn’t quite make sense to me though, aside from being hurt that Kennedy hadn’t filled her in on her plans to move in with Dane. I thought after last night she would have been excited about what came next, or at least open to the idea of it.

  I roughly rubbed my hands down my face, and stared at our forgotten breakfast. I was trying to understand Jade’s reaction, but when it became obvious I had to wait for her to talk to me, I placed the cooked food – pancakes and bacon – in the refrigerator, and headed into her room to take a shower. When I opened the bathroom door Jade was sitting on the floor. Her head lifted when I stepped onto the cold tiled floor, and she swiped away the few errant tears on her cheeks.

  “Fucking hormones,” she mumbled between sniffles. “I never know whether I’m going to cry or bite someone’s head off.”

  I bent down, and lifted her chin so that she could look me in the eye. “I can deal with all that, sweetheart, but what I can’t deal with is you locking me out.”

  Jade swallowed, and rather than push her to open up to me, I lifted her off the floor and started undressing us. I turned the shower on, and made sure the water was warm enough for both of us before stepping into the small space behind her. She turned and rested her head on my chest. The water beat against my back, but I was happy to stand there until Jade was ready to get whatever was bothering her off her chest.

  “The changes,” she said against my skin. “They frighten me, Reid. It’s all happening at once – our baby, you wanting to move into a house, becoming parents – I’m overwhelmed, and frustrated because I’m always so ready to tackle anything head on. I hate being unprepared, and right now I feel unprepared for all of it.”

  I wrapped my arms around her, feeling her belly between us, and kissed the top of her head.

  “I’m terrified too,” I admitted. “I have no idea what I’m doing either, but I need you to trust that I will always put you girls first. I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you about the house, but I don’t think a dorm is the right place for a newborn, and having you an hour away at your parents’ isn’t what I want either. Will you at least think about it?”

  I felt her nod. “Just promise me we’ll get through it all together?”

  “I promise, but I need to know you’ll come to me when you’re feeling, well, everything.” I chuckled. “You’re not feeling anything alone. I’m right there with you.”

  “Only if you’ll still love me when I’m done shouting at you for no good reason, or when I start crying during one of those puppy commercials. I can’t be held responsible for how I react to anything.”

  “You’re going to ride that wave for the next four months aren’t you?” I mused, moving my head so that I could see her.

  “Yes,” she smiled. “And you’re going to have to put up with all my weird cravings – like cheesy puffs and ice cream – and when I want sex you’re going to have to give it to me, no questions asked.”

  I couldn’t help but smirk. “I don’t think that will be a problem. We can practice.”


  Lowering my head, I nipped at her lips. “Practice. I want a house full of children, Ms. Matthews. And I want them with you.”

  “Not too soon,” she said, arching her neck to give me better access. Her skin was warm, wet, and smelled like honey.

  I shook my head. “There’s no rush. Although, I do love the way your body looks right now. Drives me crazy.”

  “I’m glad you like it,” she breathed. “Because it’s not going to be the same after this kid arrives.”

  I grinned against her pulse point, loving the way her heart stuttered. “Even when we’re old and grey and covered in wrinkles, I’ll still think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

  “Old and grey, huh? Think you can put up with me for that long?”

  Bringing my mouth to hers, I replied, “Forever wouldn’t be long enough.”


  With final exams out the way, I was looking forward to spending a week with Jade, and was hopeful that we’d be able to find a house before the next semester started. Jade had made
arrangements with her academic advisors to complete her final semester of classes the following year when our daughter was old enough to attend daycare, although I was pretty sure our mothers were already planning on taking care of her while Jade and I finished school.

  I knew Jade was still fearful of what lay ahead for both of us, but she’d settled, and was starting to get excited as the weeks passed. Her belly was rounder now at twenty six weeks, and our baby girl had started moving around a little more, reminding us – at the oddest moments – that she was in fact in there. Not that it escaped my notice. I couldn’t keep my hands off Jade, and despite her many attempts I still hadn’t initiated any sex. It bothered her, that I was holding back, but after her confession about how quickly things were changing, I didn’t want us to feel rushed either.

  Dane’s truck stopped behind my Range Rover, and we both climbed out. Kennedy and Grady had taken Jade to a spa, while Dane had agreed to help me look at properties. Out of all of the listings my father had given me, the one we were standing in front of now, appealed to me the most.

  The front door opened, and the realtor beamed as we made our way up the long driveway. The exterior of the single story house was made of bricks, with large windows on either side of the ornate wooden front door. So far I liked it, but I wanted to make sure it was what I knew Jade would be happy with. She had no idea what I was up to, but after talking things out, I knew she trusted me. I wanted nothing more than to surprise her with our new home.

  “Good afternoon. You must be Reid.” The realtor stuck out her hand, and I shook it. “I’m Missy.”

  “Nice to meet you,” I replied. I introduced her to Dane, and after the pleasantries were out the way she led us inside.

  “You father was quiet specific about what you wanted,” she told me.

  “It has four bedrooms, three bathrooms – two of which are en suite – and as you can see it has hardwood and stone flooring,” – we followed her through the small foyer, and into the kitchen – “The kitchen has stainless steel equipment, with granite counter tops and ample cupboard space...” She prattled on about more specs, but I was too busy envisioning myself living here with Jade and our little girl to pay much attention. It was a stunning house, and I knew right away that I wanted it.